Educational Posters
r Choose a subject. This should be something you know about, or want to learn about.
r Do some research because you need to know about the subject in order to teach others about it.
r Make sure your subject has enough info to fill a poster.
r Make a rough draft and plan out your poster first. Then you can start putting stuff on your
actual poster.
r You can either put actual photos on your poster, or draw your pictures. Just make sure they
are clear and relevant to your subject.
r You can either hand write out all your information, or type it. If you hand write your info
just make sure it’s clear and neat.
r Keep your info short and sweet. Stick to key points and this will keep the publics interest.
r Use bright colors that stand out and grab people’s attention.
Here’s a list of ideas for some posters:
r A breed (New Zealand, Netherland Dwarf…)
r A disease (Snuffles, cold…)
r Showmanship steps
r The parts of a rabbit or just a body part (Teeth, ears, legs…)
r A rabbit show
r A Variety
r How to keep your rabbit healthy
r Treats
r How to make a nest box
r And what ever else you can dream up!!