Beginning Rabbits
April 7th, 2009
Important Dates to Remember:
Ø 4-H Extravaganza May 2nd, 2009:
Entries are due by April 17th, 2009. I’ve attached an entry for anyone who is interested. You can enter your
educational posters!! I will try and organize it so that everyone’s posters make it to the Extravaganza.
Ø Mendocino Rabbit Show May 9th, 2009:
I will e-mail you all a copy of this if you do not already have it. I will be judging showmanship with a very good friend
of mine named Pat. I would like everyone to try and come to the show, even if you don’t enter a rabbit. Also if anyone
would like to help out with the show that would be great!
books: I have given everyone a pink piece of paper that has all of our meetings for the year listed on it. This is what
your project sheet will look like. Please try and add to the summaries with your own thoughts. For example if you brought
your rabbit to a meeting add that in.
Lop Babies: We’ll be looking at Madison’s baby French Lops and figure out what color they are,
what sex they are and we’ll work on a little judging.
Practice Time!! We will be working on showmanship for the rest of our meeting.